Customer Reviews
it works

Amino Balance

It Helps


I'm dealing with depression, and I wake up every morning and I take 3 AMINO ACIDS on an empty stomach. The book I read about mental health recommended me to do this, and the book recommended ANABOL NATURALS brand. Let me tell you, I've been taking it for 2 months and it changed my life. I highly recommend amino acids to anyone that cares about their health, whether it's mental health or else.Anonymous (9 Jul 2015, 01:22)ß
It's not rocket science!

I have been taking Anabol Natural products of all kinds for over 20 years. I decided to really get serious about taking care of my body and Anabol Natural products became part of the plan. I have used dozens of Anabol Natural supplements over the years, but Amino Balance caps have always been a core part of the line-up, always. Folks, this is not rocket science! Your body is MADE UP OF amino acids! So why not replenish your losses and satisfy your body's requirements with the best! Amino Balance are pure crystaline amino acids of the highest quality! They are quickly and efficiently assimilated by the body! Look, you spend a heck of a lot of money on stuff that isn't even good for you! Why not put a little of that toward your health and proper supplementation! Many have said things to me like..."Why do you think you need to take all that stufff..?" I tell them, "Have you ever really thought about the term "minimum daily requirement"? Do you think I have the 'same minimum daily requirement' (with some cardio, a lot of weight training, as a 220 lbs. male, with an active daily lifestyle) as some 130 pound guy who sits at a computer all day (and all night), who hasn't seen a weight machine or dumbell in his life and has never heard of Nike? I don't think so. You can't build a temple out of straw." Make Amino Balance part of your daily supplement line-up. I like the caps because they are so easy to take, can go with you anywhere... And I always take them with a full 8 oz. of water on an empty stomach. Three times a day? Hey, you need to be drining a lot more water than that anyway!! And a few years from now, when others are falling apart around you, you will be glad you found out about Amino Balance when you did!! Paul Texas Paul DePace (6 Dec 2013, 21:35)ß
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