Customer Reviews
Average Rating: 5
For me? Creatine is essential.

We all take supplements, or we wouldn't be on here! And we know that science and common sense tells us that many of them work, even if the physical proof, in terms of how we feel, what we can actually notice, or assign as an improvement, to a certain supplement is not always obvious. And...all of us are different...physical, body chemistry, how we react to certain supplementation. So it becomes a process of testing, trying, monitoring.... You continue to evaluate the best way, the most effective way to take a supplement "for you" and continue to make adjustments. 1. I have been taking all manner of Anabol Naturals supplements of ALL KINDS for almost 25 years. 2. CREATINE... If it came down to it...CREATINE would be, next to the amino's ...the LAST supplement I would agree to go without. For me? Creatine WORKS. I can FEEL it in my workouts. And when I cycle can definitely tell. It feels like I am lifting the house until I can take a break and reload. If you have not tried Anabol Naturals' Creatine...DO IT. Follow the instructions. I like to take the capsules. I can afford the price difference, and they are just easier for me...I take them with 4 oz. of pure Cranberry juice. That's just me. I was at a convention once, and the World's Strongest Man...Bill Kazmaier...told me to take my Creatine with juice (sugar) for better intake. So that's what I do. I credit Anabol Naturals with a big part of my successful bodybuilding over a lifetime. Their products are worth every nickel. Paul DePace Plano, TexasPaul DePace (24 Oct 2018, 16:51)ß
Look no further for mass, sustained energy and bulk muscle

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