Amino GHReleasers

Amino GHReleasers for Athletic Performance and Body Building
L-Arginine, L-Lysine, L-Ornithine, L-Glutamine, Glycine and B-6, a dynamic formula based on findings at Rome Medical Clinic V on stimulation of growth factors (GH). How can you bring out lean muscle and strip away subcutaneous body fat, without losing muscle size? The answer: scientifically formulated Amino GHReleasers. In combination with your workouts and diet, your payoff is granite muscularity and cut.
- Fat to energy conversion
- Cut
- Mass
- Definition
- Size
Amino GHReleasers for Longevity and Healthy Aging
As we age, the body has major declines in certain important biological secretions we need to stay healthy. One critical biochemical secretion in humans that diminishes with age is called GH.
Scientists have been exploring nutritional solutions to restore GH to youthful levels. The focus of research has been the pituitary gland, which adequately produces GH, but is less efficient with age. But research has found the amount of GH released can be stimulated by certain amino acids: L-Arginine, L-Ornithine, L-Lysine and L-Glutamine.
Amino GHReleasers for the following health concerns:
- Immune function
- Protein synthesis and muscle glucose uptake; lean muscle body composition
- Cardiovascular health
- Bone density
- Body fat (fat mobilization from adipose tissue)
- Fatigue
- Wound healing
- Strength
- Liver function
- Burns
- Infection
- Weight Control
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Athletic Performance
- Pre-and post-surgery health
- Hypertension